RIG for mining on 12 cards, 85x58x38cm, rtx3060-3070

RIG for mining on 12 cards, 85x58x38cm
In stock
  • RIG Mining ETH and other coins, for 12 cards RTX3060, 3070, 1660, 6700x, 85x58x38cm. 12 coolers.

    Board with 12 ports, Intel G4400, 12 PCI-e V009s adapter cards, USB flash memory with HiveO, 4 GB DDR4. All risers are protected. All new.

    1600W Power Supply: 1.850W + 750W: Watchdog USB + 20 € SHIPPING THROUGHOUT SPAIN

    Dimensions85 × 42 × 62 cm
    Weight12 kg