1. Select a product

Choose the product you like, as well as the colors and shape of frames and lenses, and click "Buy" or "Add to Cart". Your product will be added to "Shopping Cart".

How to place an order in  Rigshop.es
How to place an order in  Rigshop.es
How to place an order in  Rigshop.es

2. Open "Shopping cart"

If you are finished with your selection of goods, click on the "Shopping Cart" icon in the upper right corner. You will be taken to the checkout page.

Cart in  Rigshop.es

3. Fill in your Data

You need to fill in the necessary data for delivery of your order during checkout process. Follow these instructions and fill in your data: Name, phone number, e-mail, full delivery address. If you are already registered in our shop, log in and your data will be updated automatically.

Clearance in the basket in  Rigshop.es

4. Select Delivery method

Choose delivery method: International shipping (free) or one of the following express shipping services:DHL, UPS, EMS

Delivery methods in  Rigshop.es

5. Complete the payment

You will get to the page with gratitude for the order and within 3 seconds you will be automatically redirected to the payment page (if this did not happen, click on the proposed payment system link at the bottom of this page):

Thanks for the purchase from  Rigshop.es

  • You will get to the Stripe payment page. On the page you will see the amount to be paid, your order number and a card data fill-in form. Enter the necessary data and click the Pay button.
    Visa payment at  Rigshop.es

  • That's it. Your order has been placed.
    Thank you for your trust.

    If you have any questions about ordering process or work of our shop, please contact our support team by e-mail rigshopes@gmail.com or from your personal account , on our website.